Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pickleball Rules Refresher: The double hit carry

Last week at Pickleball there was discussion about whether a carry in returning the ball is legal?
A Carry you say?
Carry – Hitting the ball in such a way that it does not bounce away from the paddle but tends to be carried along on the face of the paddle during its forward motion.. We could also say this is a double hit. We know that striking the ball twice is illegal, so would a carry be considered illegal?
The IPF (International Pickleball Federation) states:
12.A. Carry and Double Hits. Balls can unintentionally be hit twice or “carried”, but this must be during a continuous, single-direction stroke. If the stroke is not continuous, not single-direction, or if it is a definite second push, the hit is illegal.

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