Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pickleball Rules Refresher: Get out of the kitchen!

One of the hardest rules for newbies to pickleball, has to do with the kitchen or the Non-Volley zone (NVZ.) There are those in our Club (Like Henry!) who are very vigilant to call opponents or even himself or his teammate who have violated the NVZ. Pickleball graduates who come from tennis find this the hardest to grasp, feeling they've lost their advantage. Pickleball is about the placement, and having that boundary helps win out over power.
Section 9 of the IFP rules has a big section dealing with the NVZ,  we'll focus on 9.B, " A fault will be declared if, in the act of volleying the ball, a player or anything the player is wearing or carrying touches the non-volley zone or touches any non-volley line. For example, a fault will be declared if, in the act of volleying the ball, one of the player’s feet touches a non-volley line."
IFP Comment: The act of volleying the ball includes the swing, the follow-through, and the momentum from the action. If the paddle touches the non-volley zone during the swing, it is a fault regardless of whether the touch occurred before or after contacting the ball.


  1. Please help
    In the act of volleying can your swing cross into the kitchen above the imaginary kitchen line as long as you feet stay out?

  2. The act of volleying the ball includes the swing, the follow-through, and the momentum from the action

  3. exactly when can you cross the kitchen line after your opponent hits a shot in the kitchen and you return it?, after you hit the ball and the ball hits the floor on the other side?

    Same question except for, when your opponent hits a ball on your side out of the kitchen. When can you touch the kitchen line again?

  4. if you are in the NVZ before hitting the ball -back out of the NVZ but only one foot has hit the ground outside the NVZ and the other foot is in the air - you hit the volley - then your other foot hits the ground outside the NVZ. Is this considered "legal"? Or do both feet have to hit the area outside the NVZ before you hit the volley? thx

    1. This is a fault. Both feet must be outside the NVZ and touching the court before returning a volley. Go to and download official rules. Explains all. Thanks for question.
